But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked. -Luke 12:48

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Well hello climate change! It's me, an American.

Climate change is real.  Although scientists haven’t been able to piece together many individual answers, the big picture is complete.  Climate change is a normal pattern for the Earth to go through.  Throughout the existence of the Earth, the temperature has fluctuated from extreme to extreme on both ends.  However, the temperature increase our planet is going through seems expedited by human behaviors and lifestyles.
What I find appealing about the climate change debate is how preventable or sustainable this problem is.  As discussed in class, individuals can make a difference in the ‘carbon footprint’ they leave.  I do not write this blog with the ultimate solution to climate change.  As a society we need to encourage the discussions that bring people of multiple viewpoints together.  We tend to gravitate towards those who have the same or similar viewpoints as ourselves; meaning, we may be losing out on opportunities to cultivate ideas from both sides.
So what do I have to say to the skeptics and contrarians?  I would tell them to practice open mindedness and explore the science behind climate change.  It is extremely difficult to reach absolute conclusions in science because many of the mediums are changing.  Scientists do their very best to create models that explain climate change and predict future happenings.  That is not to say that that the numbers they find are null and void. 
It seems that we have reached a point in the climate change progression that we cannot prevent climate change.  Instead, we need to work with the resources and knowledge we have to adapt our lifestyles and behavior to make them more sound with what is best for us and the environment.

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